CSR Code of Conduct
Rubycon Group Code of Conduct
Rubycon Group Code of Conduct is established to ensure workplace safety of employees and to provide employees with such working environment as required for performing their duties and is aimed to accord with environmental responsibility and corporate ethics as well as to comply with relevant laws and regulations. Rubycon Group Code of Conduct conforms to former EICC Code of Conduct.
1 Human Rights and Labor
- Voluntary labor
- We will employ all workers of their free will, and assure free selection to leave or end their employment. We strictly prohibit human-rights abuse including forced labor, restraint, domination, slavery, human traffic and abduction, and do not reserve identification of any employee.
- Prohibit Harassment and Inhumane Treatment
- We prohibit all forms of harassment, corporal punishment, physical or mental oppression, or any other form of harassment or inhumane treatment in the workplace, and the violators shall be referred to Disciplinary Committee of the Company for severe punishment.
- No child labor
- We will not employ children under the minimum age for employment. We will not employ individuals under 18 years old.
- No discrimination
- We will not discriminate due to race, color, age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability, pregnancy, religion, political orientation, creed, affiliation to union or marital status on recruiting, employment, promotion, reward or training so as to establish equal opportunity and fair treatment.
- Reasonable wage
- We will observe wage laws stipulating the minimum wage, overwork and legal payment, and pay wages on due dates, but not conduct illegal deduction. We will deliver pay statement to every employee without delay.
- Working hours
- We will manage working hours, holidays and vacations of every employee to comply with the statutory limit.
- Right to organize of employees
- We will respect employees’ rights to organize, to protest, and to affiliate with labor council as the means to win labor-management council for working environment and wage level, in compliance with relevant statutes. Employees may frankly talk with management regarding their concerns about labor conditions and business practices without threat of reprisal, assault or harassment.
2 Health and Safety
- Machine Safeguarding
- We will take necessary safety measures for equipment to be used in the company and conduct appropriate maintenance.
- Workplace safety
- We will evaluate safety risks in workplaces to secure safety through appropriate design, engineering and management means. We will provide employees with safety training and protection as appropriate. We will respond (in good faith) to safety concerns from employees.
- Workplace sanitation
- We will review workplace environment including harmful chemicals and waste as well as noise, odor and take appropriate measures for control and protection.
- Elimination of Occupational Injuries and Workplace Illnesses
- We shall monitor the status of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses and take appropriate countermeasures.
- Emergency preparedness
- We will estimate potential injuries and accidents to prepare emergency plan for human safety and communicate it to all employees.
- Physically demanding work
- We will identify physically demanding works and appropriately administrate them to prevent injury and illness.
- Facility safety and sanitation
- We will ensure safety and sanitation of facilities for employees (e.g. dormitory, canteen, lavatory)and maintain potable water, air conditioners, and emergency exits.
- Health of employees
- We will adequately control health of every employee.
3 Environment
- Product content restrictions
- We will control all of the statutory banned and restricted chemicals in all of our products, while complying with relevant statutes and customer requirements.
- Chemical materials to be used in production process
- We will control all of the statutory banned and restricted materials in our production processes and comply with relevant statutes and customer requirements.
- Environmental management system
- We will establish and operate environmental management system.
- Minimal impact on environment (e.g. waste water, sludge, exhaust gas)
- We will comply with laws and regulations on waste water, sludge, exhaust gas, and improve them with our voluntary standards.
- Environmental permits and administrative approval
- We will obtain necessary administrative authorization according to laws and regulations, and submit required reports.
- Effective utilization of resources and energy (3R)
- We will set our original goal to save resources and energy while continuing to strive for effective utilization of them.
- Reduction of greenhouse gas emission
- We will set our original goal to reduce greenhouse gas emission and final waste, and continually strive for the reduction.
- Reduction of Industrial Waste
- We will set our original goal to reduce final waste and continually strive for reduction.
- Disclosure of environmental preservation activities
- We will always disclose the results of our environmental activities.
- Preservation of biodiversity
- Agreeing to basic rules of biodiversity preservation, we are addressing to preservation of natural environment in our premises.
4 Fair Trade and Ethics
- No corruption or bribery
- We will maintain sound and normal relations with politicians and administrative officers to prevent bribery and illegal donation.
- No abuse of dominant bargaining position
- We will keep from abuse of dominant bargaining positions or acts which are disadvantageous to our partners.
- No improper advantage
- We will not offer or accept improper advantages in relation to customers and the society.
- No anticompetitive act
- We will not hinder fair and transparent competition.
- Provision of accurate information on product and service
- We will provide customers with accurate information on our products and services.
- Respect to intellectual property
- We will respect (but not infringe) intellectual properties of third parties.
- Appropriate export control
- We will establish appropriate export control system on the technologies and articles covered by laws and regulations.
- Disclosure of information
- We will not provide false or inaccurate information to customers and the society.
- Prevention and early detection of irregularity
- We will be aware of laws and regulations as well as social norms and strive for prevention and early detection of irregularities.
- Prohibition of reprisal
- We will protect confidentiality of accusers including employees and subcontractors.
- Responsible mineral procurement
- To identify that tantalum, tin, tungsten and gold contained in our products are not funded and/or result of payoff from any armed group that are committing serious human-rights abuse in the Democratic Republic of Congo and neighboring countries. We will survey origin and circulation route of every mineral through our supply chain, and disclose correct information according to customers’ request.
5 Quality and Safety
- Security of product safety
- We are conducting product design according to opinions and requests of customers.
- Quality management system
- We will establish and operate our quality management system.
6 Information Security
- Safeguarding for threat to computer network
- We will prepare protective plan for any threat to computer network so as to protect our company and other companies from damage.
- No leakage of personal information
- We will appropriately administrate and protect personal information on partners, third parties and our employees.
- No leakage of confidential information of customers and third parties
- We will appropriately administrate and protect confidential information received from partners and third parties.
7 Social Action
- Contribution to society and community
- We will proactively address activities that contribute to development of the international society and the community.
The Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact
In October 2011, Rubycon Corporation expressed the support for the universal principles about Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-corruption upheld by United Nations, and officially joined the UN Global Compact.
Rubycon Corporation contributes to society thru business activities, by supporting 10 principles of the UN Global Compact.
The Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact
Human rights
- Principle 1 :
- Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and
- Principle 2:
- make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
- Principle 3:
- Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
- Principle 4:
- the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;
- Principle 5:
- the effective abolition of child labour; and
- Principle 6:
- the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
- Principle 7:
- Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
- Principle 8:
- undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and
- Principle 9:
- encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
- Principle 10:
- Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.